Contract Hiring

Find talent for temporary staffing and contractual hiring.

Contract Hiring

Short-term hiring for temporary work positions.

contract hire

A temporary work position is usually put up for a seasonal or part-time vacancy. The position fulfills the needs of the business to comply with a growing demand for resources. It may be used for under-resourced businesses or for an urgent vacancy.

Contractual workers may be hired for a particular length of time by the employer. At the end of their trial period, the employer may choose to hire them as a full-time employee with other work benefits.

Hiring temporary or contract workers ensures that the business doesn’t lose out any important work deadlines. A contract or temporary hire can be an effective solution when a business is dealing with a small budget or does not have enough employees to be allotted for a new project.

Looking for the right kind of talent may prove to be tiring and time consuming. A staffing company like RIG can aid you with all the basic tenets of hiring temporary or contractual employees.

At RIG, we begin by understanding your business needs and conducting an analysis of the job role and requirements. We look out for professionals across the domains before shortlisting suitable candidates. We cater to the needs of a variety of industries.

The clients evaluate a new hire’s performance before hiring them for a long-term role. This allows the organizations to test if the candidate’s performance and work purpose fit their expectations.

Recruiting Talented and Experienced Individuals

We strongly believe in delivering a positive customer experience at every stage of the process.

  • Accountability

  • Integrity

  • Reliance



Accountability is one of the core principles we thoroughly follow, which in turn facilitates the timely fulfillment of our commitments to clients.



At RIG, integrity is of paramount importance to us. It ensures that we do the right thing, even when nobody is watching. 



Our team’s reliance on efficiency can be easily gauged through the quality of work we deliver to our clients. 

Advantages of Contract Hiring

Hiring candidates on a temporary or contractual basis may benefit business in several ways. They may fill in various kinds of roles based on the requirements.

  • reduced labour

    Reduced Labor Costs

    No additional benefits provided to temporary employees.

  • varies skill sets

    Varies Skill Sets

    A varied skill set based on different kind of employees. 

  • improves network

    Improves Network

    Expand your network in your domain through new employees.

  • fresh perspective
    Fresh Perspectives

    Find an outsider perspective on the same kind of work.

  • trail of candidates
    Trial of Candidates

    Evaluate the candidates before hiring them permanently.

  • brief hiring
    Brief Hiring Process

    A reduced time utilized in the screening process.

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